My Perverted Stories hosts erotic content from around the world, bringing together some of the best pictures, videos, and stories that the internet has to offer, all in one place for your enjoyment.

Use the links below to decide which type of content you would like to access today. All content is completely free. However, running the site costs money so if you enjoy the content you find here please consider making a donation either through PayPal or by buying a picture pack to support us.

Interactive Story

This section consists of erotic pictures. Pictures in this section include professional pictures, amateur pictures, and pictures which have been submitted to the site by various individuals. Pictures posted here come from some of the best amateur pictures sites on the web including Reddit’s Gone Wild forum.

Heartless (5 favorites) - new Top 250 story -

The stories section contains erotic content in written form. These stories are explicitly erotic and include not only content original to the site but the best stories we have been able to find from many other sources. Contact an admin today if you are interested in becoming an author.

The video section is where we share the erotic videos that we hold closest to our heart. These videos are gathered primarily through Pornhub and are carefully reviewed before being shared. It is our hope that not only will you find something arousing, but that you might find something new that expands your horizons.

The comic section is where we host the various erotic and adult-themed comics we have collected from around the web. Please note that some of these comics are graphic and/or explicit and viewer discretion is advised.

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