Submit Yourself

You know what they say, sharing is caring. We here at My Perverted Stories are always on the lookout for the best erotic material there is to find, but even we can’t be everywhere at once. That is what this is for. Do you have a picture, gif, or story that you would like to share and possible see on the site? Use the form below to submit content for our editors to review.


  • Women: We love the erotic (if you couldn’t already tell) and there is nothing more erotic than you! Submit a picture today and you may see it on the site! We accept women of all heights, weights, races, and preferences. If you would like to share with us but not have your picture posts publicly please note that in the form.

  • Men: We know you look good, but no one wants to see your cock, and that includes us. If you submit a picture of your dick it will be seen and admired but it will not go on the site, sorry. The exception to this rule is if it is a couples picture with a nude female visible alongside your meat sword.

  • Acceptable Content: Acceptable content includes pictures, gifs, audio files, and stories. We ask when submitting that you restrict yourself to submitting only content to which you hold a copyright. Professional pictures will be enjoyed but not posted. Also, please use common sense when you are submitting content, anything we feel is suspicious, such as child porn, for example, will not only not be posted but will be reported to the proper authorities. So please, do us and our editors a favor and don’t send us anything that would scar us.

  • Questions: If you have any questions about the rules or about anything else on the site, please contact an administrator right away. We would love to help you out.


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